Sampling in evidence synthesis

One of the main criticisms of ‘rapid reviews’ is that they cuts corner (relative to systematic reviews) and therefore it makes the likely to be – in some way – ‘wrong’ (however that is defined).  This negativity is often taken from the perspective that a full systematic review is – in some way – ‘right’ (again, however that is defined). What is increasingly clear to me … Continue reading Sampling in evidence synthesis

New article: User survey finds rapid evidence reviews increased uptake of evidence by Veterans Health Administration leadership to inform fast-paced health-system decision-making

User survey finds rapid evidence reviews increased uptake of evidence by Veterans Health Administration leadership to inform fast-paced health-system decision-making. Peterson K et al. Systematic Reviews 2016 5:132 Background To provide evidence synthesis for faster-paced healthcare decision-making, rapid reviews have emerged as a streamlined alternative to standard systematic reviews. In 2012, the Veterans Affairs Evidence-based Synthesis Program (VA ESP) added rapid reviews to support Veterans … Continue reading New article: User survey finds rapid evidence reviews increased uptake of evidence by Veterans Health Administration leadership to inform fast-paced health-system decision-making